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liver spot (皮膚上的)雀斑,褐黃斑。


Effectively inhibiting the formation of melanin and prohibit hyperpigmentation caused by ultraviolet radiation . used to whiten the skin , prevent liver spots and freckles , treat sunburn and regulate melanogenesis 本品能夠有效地抑制黑色素的產生并對紫外線照射引起的色素沉著有抑制作用.能夠防止日曬性肝斑,對除雀斑、治粉刺是有效的,并有殺菌作用。

Lee shin - ja ' s children gave her a coupon for laser surgery to remove liver spots from her face 李申佳的孩子為她預訂了面部激光去斑手術。